Welcome to the CASLI Exam System Application for administering all CASLI Exams. Please click on the links below for assistance in navigating both the Test Delivery System and the NIC Interview and Performance Exam.
- Candidate Agreement (Terms and Conditions): You should have already or you will, once you register, receive a candidate agreement form to e-sign and return to CASLI. This is an agreement between CASLI, LLC and our exam candidates for the administration of the CASLI exams. If you do not sign this agreement, you will not be able you take any CASLI exams.
- What to Expect: This is a step-by-step guide of what to expect as you register for, schedule, take, and await your results for the NIC Interview and Performance Exams administered by CASLI, LLC.
- Practice Materials: Please view these practice materials to familiarize yourself with both the NIC Interview and Performance Exam and the CASLI Exam Systems user interface.
- Other Resources: Use this list of resources to help you improve your ASL-English interpreting skills in preparation for the NIC Interview and Performance Exam.