Local Test Administrator / Proctor Training Manual
CASLI Test Administrators are vital to the CASLI Exam System. The CASLI Exam System is a computer-based testing system that administers the exams used for RID’s National Interpreter Certification (NIC) and Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) certification program. Thank you for accepting this major responsibility which requires the greatest care and attention to detail.
A great deal of time, effort, and financial resources have been invested by staff, volunteers and paid consultants toward the creation of the CASLI testing instruments. These exam materials are entrusted to you for safe-keeping, monitoring and proper administration.
This manual describes the policies and procedures for the proper administration of the NIC Interview and Performance exam, the NIC Knowledge exam, and eventually, the CASLI Generalist Knowledge and Performance Examinations.
It is critical that all Test Administrators/Proctors review this entire manual and follow all of the administration procedures outlined in this manual. Each Test Administrator/Proctor is responsible to be fully informed about the current policies and procedures and if there is anything in this manual that you do not understand or you need clarification, it is your responsibility to contact CASLI and ask.
The contents of this manual are the property of CASLI. Copyright ©2019 Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpreters, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, published or otherwise distributed without the express written permission of CASLI.
The policies, procedures and any aspect of CASLI exam administration process may be modified, amended or cancelled by CASLI at any time.
We work collaboratively with the Deaf and interpreter communities in defining professional standards and metrics. CASLI, a subsidiary of RID, was established for the purpose of development and delivery of testing that assesses the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competence of signed language interpreters for the RID’s Certification Programs.
CASLI does not discriminate against any person on the basis of gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, or marital status as defined and prohibited by law.
It is the role of the test administrator to provide professional proctoring services to all exam candidates and ensure the security of the examination and all exam-related materials, following CASLI policies and procedures. Additionally Test Administrator are responsible to submit Proctor Payment invoice in a timely manner and maintain ongoing communication with CASLI with questions or concerns.
All CASLI test sites, with names, locations, and contact information, are available on the CASLI Exam System (under View Proctor Locations). Please review your information on that page at regular intervals to ensure that your test site information is current and accurate. Updates or changes should be sent to testing@CASLI.org
All TAs are required to read, agree to and sign CASLI’s Test Administrator / Proctor Contract that all CASLI processes and materials are to be kept confidential and secure at all times. All of the items listed below must be kept secure:
- All exam stimulus recordings of exam stimulus materials, in any format (digital)
- Electronic verification of authorization to test with candidate’s token number
- Any electronic documents signed by the candidate or TA (as applicable) (all will be electronic, please DO NOT print any electronic forms unless authorized to. Any printed forms must be printed on a secure printer (e.g. not a public printer in a room easily accessible by other people than the TA or the candidate).
- Scratch paper used by the candidate during the exam. Please shred or destroy any scratch paper. Do not throw away scratch paper in a public trash can or leave it in trash/recycle bins easily accessible to other exam candidates.
- Any candidate exam recordings. There should be no exam recordings outside of the CASLI Exam System video recording. Any remaining files, cache, and history on the computer from which the exam was administered MUST be cleared prior to shutting down the computer.
- The Local Test Administrator Training Manual
“Secure” means that when the item is not in official use or with the test administrator it should be secured in a locked location and/or password protected. There must be assurance that unauthorized personnel cannot gain access to and CASLI examination system or materials. Scratch paper used by candidates during an exam should be shredded immediately afterward.
- Candidates are not permitted to bring the following into the exam room:
- cell phones
- purses
- watches (especially “smart watches”)
- wallets
- unnecessary clothing or headgear (hats, gloves, jacket, etc)
- large jewelry (e.g. wedding bands are ok) ***
- CASLI Exam System may not be left running, unattended or without an exam candidate on the computer(s) at any time.
- As candidates complete their examination, it is strongly encouraged that candidates fill out the candidate feedback form.
- Candidates are required to return any scratch paper, including blank paper and are not allowed to take notes or any exam materials with them when they leave the exam room or test site.
- All electronic files related to examination administered, cache, and history must be cleared off the computer. This MUST be done prior to shutting down the computer.
If a breach occurs, or is even suspected, it must be reported immediately to both the test site coordinator and CASLI at testing@CASLI.org or call 571-257-4761 or 703-988-4543. Please leave a message if we do not answer your call. If it is discovered that a test administrator has failed to report a suspected or observed breach of security, the test administrator and/or site may be immediately terminated at the discretion of CASLI.
Any issues with the CASLI Exam System must be reported to CASLI immediately. Further instructions will be offered at that time. The CASLI Exam System must never be left open and running without a candidate taking their exam or left unattended. The computer used to administer CASLI exams must require passwords to access and the TA must keep their CASLI Exam System account username and password confidential to prevent open access to the exam system or any examination related information.
Only exam candidates who have a current and valid government-issued picture ID and an CASLI Exam (Proctor) Token number may take the exam. The Exam (Proctor) Token number proves that the candidate meets all of CASLI’s and RID’s eligibility requirements for their assigned exams. If the candidate does not have an Exam (Proctor) Token number , they are not eligible to test. The candidate should contact CASLI right away at testing@CASLI.org
Special accommodations MUST be requested in advance and cannot be requested on the day of the exam. Test Administrator/ Proctor are not authorized to review or approve Exam Accommodation Requests. CASLI complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and will accommodate requests from qualified candidates with a diagnosed disability for accommodations if the request is reasonable, properly documented and does not fundamentally alter the examination or jeopardize exam security. If a candidate requests special accommodation, the CASLI staff will communicate with you and work with you in providing the appropriate accommodations.
Exam candidates will contact you directly to make their exam appointment. You may work out a mutually workable appointment time for administering the exam. Please ensure sufficient time is allotted for the candidate’s exam. For specific time required for a specific exam, please refer to the table below.
Exam Name | Exam duration |
CASLI Performance Exam – NIC ONLY | 2 hours |
CASLI Performance Exam – NIC and Case Study Exam (Gap Test) | 3.5 hours (plus 20 minutes break) |
CASLI Performance Exam – CDI ONLY | 2 hours |
CASLI Performance Exam – CDI and Case Study Exam (GAP Test) | 3.5 hours (plus 20 minutes break) |
Case Study Exam (GAP Test) ONLY | 90 minutes |
CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam (Fundamental of Interpreting) ONLY (for Deaf candidate or by special request) | 3 hours |
CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam AND Case Studies Exam (for Deaf candidate or by special request) | 4.5 hours (plus 20 minutes break) |
Candidates are instructed to show 20 minutes early for their exam appointment, plus you also want to allow a time cushion for any test site or technical issues that may need resolving. The Test Administrator /Proctor should be at the testing site 30 minutes prior to the scheduled exam appointment to ensure everything is ready for the exam and to be present when the candidate arrives.
Candidates are instructed to supply a current, valid government issued ID and their Exam (Proctor) Token number for their exam appointment. If the candidate does not present their Exam (Proctor) Token number, then they will be unable to take the exam. Candidates can find their Exam (Proctor) Token number in their email or on their CASLI Exam System account under My Exams.
After scheduling an exam appointment, email the candidate confirming exam appointment, including the following information:
- Candidate’s name and RID Member number.
- Date and time of examination
- Type of Exam candidate is taking (e.g. Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam, NIC Interview and Performance Exam, Case Studies Exam)
- Address of test site, including building/suite/room number
- LTA’s name, email and phone number to contact
- Any other information that the candidate will need to know about gaining access to the testing site
- CASLI’s cancellation policy
All exam appointment rescheduling is handled by the LTA site. The exam appointment cannot be rescheduled within three (3) business days of the scheduled exam appointment except in the cases of approved emergencies. If the candidate does not reschedule at least three (3) business days prior to the exam appointment and/or does not show up for the exam, it will be considered a missed appointment. This forfeits the candidate’s exam and all related exam fees. The candidate would then need to register and pay for the exam again in order to sit for it. Please note the only exception to this rescheduling policy is a documented, excusable emergency situation as described in the “Cancellations and Missed Appointments” section below.
Candidates who missed their scheduled exam appointment or needs to cancel their exam appointment after the deadline due to an excusable emergency situation must notify the test site and TA immediately. Candidate MUST also contact the CASLI Office at testing@CASLI.org or (571) 257-4761 at the first available opportunity to be considered for a cost-free rescheduled exam appointment. Also, for missed appointments or cancellation of 3 days or less from scheduled exam appointment, the TA must notify CASLI within 3 business days by completing a LTA Incident Reporting Form and email testing@casli.org
If the candidate does not contact you or us regarding their cancellation or missed appointments at the first available opportunity following the documented emergency , their exam registration fees may be forfeited.
Excusable emergency situations include:
- The death of an immediate family member
- Accident, illness, or hospitalization of self or an immediate family member (verified by official documentation or doctor’s note)
- A natural disaster or inclement weather that prevents them from travelling to the test site
Documentation of the emergency must be submitted by the candidate to CASLI by email at testing@CASLI.org.
If CASLI verifies that the emergency qualifies, the candidate may reschedule an exam appointment, cost-free, within 45 days of the approval or within a period of time deemed appropriate by CASLI..
If the candidate cancels the scheduled exam appointment after the deadline or misses the scheduled exam appointment for any reason other than an excusable emergency situation that is approved by CASLI, it will be considered a missed appointment and all exam and all related fees are forfeited. The candidate will be required to register and pay for the exam again in order to sit for it.
Exam Registration refunds are not granted after the start of the administration of the exam. Refunds can ONLY be granted PRIOR TO the start of the administration of the exam. Candidates who would like a refund need to contact CASLI at testing@CASLI.org or (571) 257-4761 for assistance. TAs are not responsible for refunds and can not process any refund requests.
Any candidate who engages in any form of misconduct or does not comply with the test administrator’s requests or warnings to discontinue inappropriate behavior may be immediately dismissed from the test site and their exam registration and related fees will be forfeited. Please complete the LTA Incident Reporting Form and report the incidents to CASLI immediately by emailing testing@CASLI.org as soon as possible.
Some examples of misconduct are:
- Creating a disturbance, using abusive language, or being uncooperative or disrespectful
- Attempting to take the examination for someone else
- Using any prohibited aids that would provide an advantage while taking the exam
- Tampering with the operation of the exam recording equipment or stimulus materials
- Giving or receiving assistance of any kind on the exam
- Illegally or maliciously recording test materials or documenting test content that clearly violates the candidate agreement
Test Administrator/Proctor reserves the right to refuse to readmit a candidate to their test site. If a candidate is dismissed from a test site and wishes to take their exam, the candidate will be required to register and pay for the exam again.
Candidates MUST report technical or test site problems to the Testing Administrator / Proctor immediately when it occurs. If candidates experience problems with any part of the exam administration process, including issues with CASLI Exam System – including video or sound issues, the facility, or other difficulties, they MUST tell the test administrator immediately. Test Administrators / Proctor are allowed at least 30 minutes to remedy any issues. If the problem continues for more than 30 minutes, attempts to continue the exam should stop. The Testing Administrator/Proctor should report the issues to CASLI at testing@CASLI.org and complete the LTA Incident Reporting form.
CASLI staff will contact the candidate regarding rescheduling an appointment after receiving the incident report.
If the candidate insists on continuing with the exam despite the technical or test site issues despite being advised to discontinue, the candidate will not be eligible for a cost-free exam retake should the exam recording be partially or completely unratable.
Test Administrators and CASLI cannot resolve issues or problems that were not reported at the time they occur. Candidates are not eligible to appeal their exams and/or will not be granted free retakes due to any test site or technical issues that were not reported at the time they occurred.
Any significant irregularities occurring during the exam administration process must ALSO be reported completing the LTA Incident Reporting Form as soon as the candidate leaves the test site.
Candidates are strongly encouraged to fill out an electronic Candidate Post Exam Feedback Form immediately after they have taken their exams. This will be sent electronically to CASLI and CASLI will review all comments provided regarding the administered exam. The Candidate Post Exam Feedback Forms will have no bearing on a candidate’s scores or results, nor will an exam be re-evaluated or otherwise changed based on these comments.
If a candidate wishes to appeal their exam based on any test administration, technical or test site issue, an official appeal request, with supporting documentation, must be submitted to CASLI at Appeals@CASLI.org for consideration. The Candidate Post Exam Feedback Form and LTA Incident Reporting Forms may be reviewed but are not necessarily considered supporting documentation for candidate’s exam appeal.
Exam Administration
Candidates are advised to arrive at least 20 minutes before their scheduled testing time so that they may be processed for admission to the exam. If the candidate arrives less than 15 minutes before the scheduled testing time, administrators should admit the candidate if and only if there is time to complete the check-in process before the start of the scheduled testing time.
It is at the LTA or proctor’s discretion whether to admit a candidate into the testing room if they arrive after the scheduled exam starting time. These decisions may be based on the Test Administrator/Proctor schedule and availability. An exam may not be started late if it will impact the next exam appointment or if the Test Administrator/Proctor is unavailable to proctor the entire exam appointment.
Candidates must present their Exam (Proctor) Token number which serves as their official authorization to test. When the token number is entered into the system, it will bring up the candidate’s CASLI exam account and contains the legal name of the approved candidate and the exam(s) that are to be administered. An example of Exam (Proctor) Token Number: 104-4S13T-UKY1E
Candidates must present one form of identification that meets the following requirements:
The identification (ID) must:
- Display the candidate’s name exactly as it appears when the Exam (Proctor) Token number is entered in.
- Have a permanently-affixed photograph of the candidate’s face
- Be current — expired IDs will not be accepted
- Be an original document — no photocopies will be accepted
Acceptable forms of identification are: | Unacceptable forms of identification include: |
• Government-issued driver’s license • State ID card • Passport • Military ID (except those with chips) • Permanent resident visa or green card | • Employee identification or work badge • University/college identification • Credit/Debit/Bank Cards with accompanying photographs |
Verify ID
Administrators must verify the following:
- The ID is acceptable (see above) and is not expired
- The picture on the photo ID is of the candidate
- The candidate’s name on the photo ID and the candidate’s name on CASLI account match exactly when the candidate’s Exam (Proctor) Token number is entered.
If these items cannot be verified by the administrator, the candidate cannot be admitted to the exam.
If a candidate is not admitted to the exam, the administrator should advise the candidate to inform CASLI right away and also email testing@CASLi.org and complete the LTA Incident Reporting Form immediately.
The candidates are advised NOT to bring personal items with them to the tet site. In the event they do and you have a place to store these items, you may advise the candidate that personal items are not allowed in the testing room (purses, wallets, watches, jewelry, cell phones, calculators, etc.). If the candidate has brought personal items with them, show the candidate where to store these items.
You may provide as secure a storage space if possible, but the candidates are advised that neither you nor CASLI are responsible for the security of their personal items.
Once the candidate’s identity is confirmed, escort the candidate to the testing room. Indicate where the candidate will sit and ensure the candidate has the following:
- The desktop computer/monitor and mouse for the exam is to be administered
- Five (5) sheets of blank 8.5” by 11” scratch paper
- A pencil or pen
Food and Drink Policy:
Foods and beverages are not permitted in the examination room unless otherwise authorized through an Exam Accommodations Request that has to be pre-approved by CASLI. CASLI will communicate to the LTA site in advance regarding the candidate’s accommodations.
Whether or not a candidate is permitted to have capped bottled water with them in the exam room is at the sole discretion of the Test Administrator/Proctor following their LTA site policies.
Whether a Candidates is Sits or Stands:
Whether a candidate sits or stands during the administration of their exam will depend on the nature or the test itself. For obvious reasons, the selected response “knowledge” exam warrants that a candidate remain seated. For the performance exam, however, it is at the discretion of the TA and candidate as to whether they want to sit or stand for the duration of the test. The candidate should be as comfortable as possible, however, the candidate may not make demands to switch between the two mid-test. Whether a candidate sits or stands also may not be used as a basis of an appeal. If the candidate chooses to sit, the chair they use must be one without wheels and without armrests.
Inform the candidate of the following:
- No further preparation or discussion about the examination is allowed from the point they enter the exam room on.
- They may not leave the testing room unless there is a significant irregularity with the test site environment or with the exam system or computer itself.
- If there is an irregularity during the exam, it is the candidate’s responsibility to inform you, the TA immediately.
- The candidate shall remain in the exam room during the entire exam (with the exception of a break between exams)
- A restroom break can be requested and granted. Ensure the room is being proctored by the proctor while the candidate goes to the restroom.
- Log into the CASLI Exam System using your username and password
- Select “Start an Exam” from the list of tabs (on left) under Proctor.
- Enter the Exam (Proctor) Token number, given to you by the candidate
- Click on “Check proctor token”
- Verify the candidate’s identity by matching the name provided on the verification screen with the candidate’s government issued photo ID
- Check off the box next to “I have verified this person’s identity”
- Click on “Verify identity”
- “Select Exam” page will appear. Click on the box and exam(s) options will appear. Select the exam candidate is taking.
- Click on “Select Exam”
- You will be automatically logged out and the exam will begin
- Remind candidates to get you for any issues or when they are finished. Allow candidates to begin the exam.
In the event of a power outage, technical issues, emergency situation or disruptions during exam:
- Close the exam by closing the browser window.
- Restart the computer (especially if it’s technical issues or power outage)
- Reopen Chrome Browser and log into CASLI Exam System
- Follow above steps 1 – 10 (after the issues/circumstances have been resolved).
- You will see a message regarding which page the candidate was last on. Select the page you would like to restart from, if different from the current exam page. If this is for a performance exam, it is ideal to start from the instruction page for that specific vignette.
- If the exam is a timed exam, you will also be given the option to set the remaining time the candidate has left. If applicable, enter in the remaining time.
- Select “Select exam page”
Note: Restarting an exam is only an option if the last button in the exam was not yet clicked on. If the last button of the exam was clicked on and the exam is submitted, then the exam will move to final or pending evaluation status and the proctor will no longer be able to restart the exam.
*** For any incident of power outage, technical issues, disruptions or emergency situation – please contact testing@casli.org and complete the LTA Incident Reporting form to report the incident.
For the Performance Exam: NO more than 1 exam may be administered in the room at a time. While the exam is proceeding, the test administrator/proctor must be nearby monitoring access to the testing room. The candidate should not leave the testing room unless they request a short restroom break or if there is an irregularity to report. No one else may enter the room while the exam is in session.
For the Knowledge Exam: NO more than five (5) Knowledge Exams may be administered in the same room at the same time. If multiple exams are being administered at the same time, the Test Administrator/Proctor must remain in the room and actively monitor all candidates to ensure no conversation or cheating is happening.. If multiple exams are being given at the same time, ensure candidates are not sitting next to each other or facing each other. This increases a higher risk for cheating or sharing information during an exam. No form of communication is allowed among examinees. For restroom breaks, only one person is allowed to leave the room at a time.
Test Administrators/Proctors must also be aware of any environmental issues that might disturb the candidate, such as noise or lighting coming from outside the testing room. Every effort should be made to minimize such disturbances.
The Test Administrator/Proctor is not allowed to assist with answers or the examination itself; they are merely proctoring the exam. Test Administrators/ Proctors cannot provide clarification on the meaning or a question or on the meaning of a particular answer option.
- Once the candidate has completed their exam, the candidate should alert the test administrator/proctor and enter the testing room to confirm that they are finished with their exam(s). IF a candidate is taking two exams, they are allowed 15 – 20 minutes break between exams.
- Make sure the exam has been submitted as that finalizes their exam.
- Ask candidates to complete the Candidate Post Exam Feedback Form online.
- Collect the following items from the candidate:
- Pencil and all scrap paper (to be shredded immediately)
- Any other testing related materials
- Escort the candidate out of the testing room.
- Remind the candidate to collect any personal items from the storage area.
- Clear computer of all history, cache, and files relevant to the examination AND shutdown or restart the computer.
If, for some reason, the exam is interrupted (e.g., power outage, equipment failure, etc.), the exam may be resumed once the problem is resolved if there is less than a 30-minute interruption and will not impact the next exam appointment.
Do your best to resolve the issue(s) within 30 minutes. You can contact CASLI for assistance as necessary. CASLI will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.
If the issue persist for longer than 30 minutes and the candidate is unable to complete the examination (e.g., power outage, candidate illness, etc.), the test administrator must do the following:
- Close the exam page (if they are able to) on the testing computer.
- Prompt candidate to contact CASLI as soon as possible to communicate issues that occurred during their exam.
- Let candidates know that they can complete the Candidate Feedback form on CASLI Exam System.
- Test Administrator/ Proctors must complete a LTA incident reporting form.
- Notify the LTA site coordinator and immediately email testing@CASLI.org to let us know about the irregularity.
To administer the exam, the following criteria must be met:
- A desktop computer with a monitor of 21” or greater. The monitor should be placed roughly at eye level for the candidate. Do not administer this exam in a room where the monitor is mounted high on the wall near the ceiling. This causes uncomfortable neck strain for the candidate.
- The computer must be connected to high-speed internet.
- A Logitech C920 Pro or C922 Pro webcam must be connected and be working properly
- A solid color wall, backdrop or curtain primarily for candidate’s Performance exam **
- A quiet, private and brightly lit room.
LTA and Proctors are responsible for checking all equipment in advance prior to administering the exam to ensure all is functional and working properly and to resolve any issues that may arise. This is to help minimize any impact on the candidate or testing scheduled for that day.
Candidates scheduled to take BOTH the Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam (DIPE) and Case Study Exam (GAP Test), both exams should be connected to each other requiring the Exam (Proctor) Token number to be entered once. IF for some reason they are not connected – then the test administrator/proctor would follow the same process of starting an exam (for the 2nd exam), entering the Exam (Proctor) Token number and verify candidate’s ID for the 2nd exam.
The Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam (DIPE) exam should be the first exam and at the end of the DIPE exam – there will be a “Break time” page for candidates to take a 15 minutes break and then proceed to begin the Case Study exam by clicking “NEXT” after the 15 minutes break.
Specifically for the DIPE exam only, there is a 7 minutes introduction video, accompanied with the full text, prior to the beginning of the exam. Candidates have the option of watching the video, reading the text, or skipping this page. If candidates opt to view the video in its entirety, the Test Administrator must remain in the room until the candidate has finished the video to ensure the candidate begins the exam.
- At least two days before the scheduled exam, confirm that the testing room/area is secured for the date/time of the examination without any unforeseen conflicts.
- Check to see if the candidate has any accommodations needed for their scheduled exam.
- Ensure the facility is accessible for Test Administrator/ Proctor to access (alarm code, keys or ID required to enter the facility/room especially after hours and weekend).
- Test Administrator/ Proctor shall have access to LTA computer using their own account OR designated account. This will allow Test Administrator/Proctor to log in without any issues.
- Check room temperature prior to exam administration to make sure it is at a comfortable temperature for candidates to take their exam.
- Be knowledgeable of what the policy is regarding allowing water in the exam room. (i.e.: bottled water, covered tumblers, only allowed on floor, etc.;). Avoid having open container during exam.
- Make sure the room is clean and free of dust as candidate may have allergies or sensitive responses. Also check lightings in the room and ensure it is not on motion sensor that could turn off the light during exam.
- Have an immediate point of contact for technical troubleshooting, access to facility and/or any other issues that may arise.
- Check to make sure the room is not on motion-sensor mode where light could go off during examination.
- Double check to make sure the computer and the webcam is functional and working. Do a test run BEFORE the candidate arrives.
- Make sure all plug-ins, pop-ups, add-ons have been disabled and the screen saver/sleep mode has been disabled on the testing computer.
- Familiarize yourself with the LTA’s policies or plans for unforeseen emergency situations that may require evacuation or lockdown.
- Optional: have an area or place where candidate’s personal items can be stored during examination time. (LTA is not responsible for candidate’s items).
- Proctors administering exam are expected to show up at least 30 minutes prior exam. This is to give them ample time to access the facility, get computers and other equipment ready for exam and be ready when the candidate(s) arrive.
- Arrive in good spirit leaving your personal issues at home. 🙂
Candidates will certainly be nervous and stressed prior to the examination. For optimal experience, here are some best practices that will help while interacting with the candidate.
- Maintain a friendly, cordial and professional approach.
- Refrain from making any negative comments.
- Talking calmly and slowly can help the candidate feel more comfortable.
- Possess a positive attitude while smiling also helps put candidates at ease.
- You may say “Good Luck” or “All the best with your exam”, however, refrain from statements such as: “You’ll ace it”, “No way you could fail this!”, “You will pass without any doubt”, “Don’t worry, it will be fine” and so on. Test administrators/Proctors are not to make any statements that could be misleading or give a false sense of encouragement.
- Do your best to minimize the worries of the candidates and seek positive resolution. If you are not sure, then politely say “I don’t have the answer but let me find out”.
- In a friendly manner, remind the candidate to get you if there’s any issues or need for assistance especially if there are technical issues that occur during the exam.
- Remember – you are there to support the candidate and provide the most optimal testing experience they can have.
Test Administrators/ Proctors ARE NOT to be sitting next to candidates while they are taking the Knowledge exam. Test Administrator/Proctors may browse the room (if it’s a large room with multiple exam at the same time as long as it is not creating a distraction).
Furthermore, Test Administrators / Proctors ARE NOT to be in the room while candidates are taking the Performance Exam.
Test Administrators/ Proctors ARE NOT allowed to help candidates with their exam – only assist them in setting up their exam and closing out when the exam has been completed.
Anytime you have any questions or need further clarification, please DO contact CASLI at testing@CASLI.org or call us at 571-257-4761
Any TA that administers the exam must complete the Proctor Payment Invoice, which also can be found on the CASLI Exam System. Invoice for the month TA administered the exam must be submitted five (5) business days from the last day of the recent month they administer exams for. The TA should consolidate and list all exams administered (including ones that were no-show or cancelled 3 days or less from scheduled exam appointment) from the previous month on one comprehensive invoice submission. The submission of multiple invoices in a month is discouraged unless the first invoice is full requiring additional invoice to be completed and submitted. Failure to submit the invoice within 30 days will be considered as a defacto in-kind donation of services to CASLI.
For exam administration rates and exam type (code), please refer to the table below.
Exam Name | Exam Type (Code) | Rate per exam |
NIC Interview & Performance Exam | NICIP | $40 |
Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam AND Case Study Exam (GAP test) | DICS | $80 |
Case Studies Exam ONLY | CS | $50 |
Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam ONLY | DIPE | $50 |
CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam AND Case Study Exam (by Special Request ONLY) | CGKE | $100 |
Payment for exams administered, these are the following options:
- Check payment
- Direct deposit payment
- In-kind donation
If you opt for direct deposit and you have not set up your direct deposit payment, please complete the Vendor Direct Deposit Payment Form and send it to accounting department at accounting@casli.org
For check payment, please ensure the invoice includes the name the check needs to be made out to and the address for it to be mailed to. The address on the invoice must match the address on the W-9 form that was provided to CASLI. If there are any discrepancies between the invoice and W-9 addresses, please provide a brief explanation either by emailing testing@casli.org or mentioning it in the note box when submitting the invoice.
If payment is directed to the site you are designated TA for, then please obtain the W-9 from the LTA site.
Any questions or concerns regarding invoice or payment, please contact CASLI at testing@casli.org or call 571-257-4761
Anytime there are minor or major issues or disruptions that occur during the exam that even may have slight impact on the candidate’s exam, it MUST be reported to CASLI. On the CASLI Exam System, there is a link under Proctor list for the LTA Incident Reporting Form to be completed. Please provide as much details as possible including how the issues were resolved or addressed.
Examples of incidents that should be reported:
- Technical Issues with CASLI Exam System, testing computer and/or other devices
- Power outage or other problem with facility
- Environmental disturbance not caused by exam candidate
- Disturbance caused by an exam candidate
- Test Administrator / Proctor showed up late (or not at all) to exam appointment
- Exam candidate showed up late or is no show for exam appointment
- Verification issues where candidate’s name on CASLI’s account did not match candidate’s ID
- Acceptable form of government issued ID was not provided
- Fails to provide Exam (Proctor) Token number or invalid Exam (Proctor) Token number
- Use of unauthorized materials / suspected cheating
- Exam stopped by test administrator/proctor or candidate
- Missing or damaged exam material
- Cancellation of exam less than 3 days from scheduled exam appointment
- Other issues that impacted candidate’s exam
LTA Incident Reporting Form must be completed and submitted as soon as the incident has occurred or immediately after the candidate has completed their exam.
When in doubt, it is always best to complete and submit an LTA incident reporting form and email CASLI at testing@casli.org or call us at 571-257-4761
Prior to becoming an approved LTA site or TA / Proctor administering exams for CASLI, the following MUST be provided to CASLI.
- Completed and signed CASLI contract which is good for two years. CASLI may terminate LTA’s or TA’s contract without cause at any time.
- The contract covers the following details:
- Responsibilities as Test Administrator / Proctor
- Exam Accommodations
- Payment Invoice for Exam Administered
- Confidentiality, Ownership, and Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Disclosure of potential or actual Conflict of Interest
- Acknowledgment and agreement to comply
- Payment information for exams administration
- W-9 form completed and submitted
Anytime you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact CASLI at testing@CASLI.org or call us at 571-257-4761
Click here for PDF copy of LTA Training Manual.
Revised 2/10/2021